1917 0029


"Camel Well" - photo taken in 1983 Thought to be the original "Jungle Well" which was the first well sunk by the O'Neill Brothers in 1917. The Mines Dept arranged for the O'Neills to sink a well in search of water on the headwaters of Oogelima Creek and on the northeastern front of the Stuart Range, in a 10 acre area, to be reserved for the travelling public - information in a letter written by Keith Ward 1/2/1917. See file DM 00005 15 of 79. Location shown on map - see file DM 00005 17of79 O'Neills sank well to 78 foot [...]

1917 00292020-12-03T21:25:24+10:30

1917 0028


"Camel Well" - photo taken in 1983 Thought to be the original "Jungle Well" which was the first well sunk by the O'Neill Brothers in 1917. The Mines Dept arranged for the O'Neills to sink a well in search of water on the headwaters of Oogelima Creek and on the northeastern front of the Stuart Range, in a 10 acre area, to be reserved for the travelling public - information in a letter written by Keith Ward 1/2/1917. See file DM 00005 15 of 79. Location shown on map - see file DM 00005 17of79 O'Neills sank well to 78 foot [...]

1917 00282020-12-03T21:24:29+10:30
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