1956 0119
2018-04-20T04:46:00+09:30Early diggings on main opal flat, taken from the end of the built-up area
Early diggings on main opal flat, taken from the end of the built-up area
Dugout interior, visitor and fireplace in Hester's dugout White Hill, 1956
View from Hester's White Hill dugout across Jeweller's Shop with Aboriginal wurlies and camps
Jim Hester's dugout in White Hill, 1956, with Rex, a travelling companion at entrance Note the firewood gathered from the 4 Mile.
Dugout where Jim Hester stayed on north side of White Hill with his blue vehicle near the entrance Jewellers Shop field on left, Underground Water Tank right of centre behind and to the right of White Hill is the top of the hill where Charlie and Tottie Bryant lived, in a direct line from the vehicle