1927 0078


W.D. Walker photo taken on an 18 month trip in 1927-28 with his wife Mollie. Anna Creek Station where a crossing of soft sandy tracks have been covered with two strips of wire netting kept firm with 3 foot iron pegs. State Library South Australia photo B 53604

1927 00782024-07-11T19:40:37+09:30

1927 0077


W.D. Walker photo taken on an 18 month trip in 1927-28 with his wife Mollie. The gate in a dog and rabbit fence, the penalty for leaving it open was 50 pounds. The fences cost between 100 and 150 pounds per mile ad were erected around all sheep stations in the interior. State Library South Australia photo B 53599

1927 00772024-07-11T19:35:31+09:30

1927 0076


W.D. Walker photo. Car used by Dr W.D. Walker and his wife Mollie on an 18 month trip in 1927-28, in front of the Railway Station in Oodnadatta State Library South Australia photo  B 53592

1927 00762024-07-11T19:42:25+09:30

ND 00068


Con Stiggas outside his tunnel dugout home on Stingas Road on The Flat. Date of photo unknown. Photo source facebook See HS 00106 for report on the death of Con Stingas at age 68 in 1988. Greek spelling of his name Tsigas. He had the nickname "Spy" due to his undercover activities for the British during the war.

ND 000682024-08-02T18:57:26+09:30

ND 00067


Con Stiggas in his tunnel dugout home on Stingas Road on The Flat. Date of photo unknown. Photo source facebook See HS 00106 for report on the death of Con Stingas at age 68 in 1988. Greek spelling of his name Tsigas. He had the nickname "Spy" due to his undercover activities for the British during the war.

ND 000672024-08-02T18:56:45+09:30

1948 0012


Aboriginal Trackers Danny and Freddy, thought to have come from Ooldea, who worked with Policeman Ronald Robert Warner of Tarcoola  (1944 to 1949). Their work was to ensure that tensions between local Aboriginal people and the surveyors setting up Woomera were quelled.    

1948 00122023-12-27T20:39:33+10:30

1948 0011


Ronald Robert Warner Policeman at Tarcoola  from 1944-1949, next to his 1936 Ford Utility which was used for his work

1948 00112023-12-27T20:26:14+10:30

1948 0010


Ian and Desmond Warner with the Post Master outside the Post Office in 1948. Ian and Desmond were the sons of Policeman Ronald Robert Warner, stationed at the time in Tarcoola from where he patrolled a large area, including Coober Pedy. Post Master thought to be Jack Young.

1948 00102024-01-07T14:46:00+10:30

1957 1174


Geoff Byrnes' motor bike, a Royal Enfield 350 "Bullet" on his 1957 trip through Coober Pedy. Photo taken at Penrhyn on his way to Mount Barry via Mount Willoughby, Copper Hills and Arkaringa

1957 11742023-12-21T14:31:03+10:30

1960 0579


Cars outside Brewster's Store c.1960 From the Jack Whitford Collection Jack Whitford was the Roads Superintendent of the E&WS Dept. which maintained the roads in the Outback until 1995 at which time SA Water and the Highways Dept. were established.

1960 05792023-12-07T15:29:06+10:30
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