Photograph of page 16 of The Adelaide Chronicle August 6 1921 – “The Stuart’s Range Country”- AUSTRALIA’S BIGGEST OPAL FIELD WHICH HAS ALREADY PRODUCED, ACCORDING TO OFFICIAL STATISTICS, OPAL WORTH OVER 52,000 POUND. L.K. Ward, photos
The Government Geologist (Mr L K Ward) recently paid an official visit to the Stuart Range opal field, the largest in Australia. This remarkable belt is situated about 150 miles north of Tarcoola, and about 100 miles west of William Creek. It lies between the East-West railway and the Great Northern line. Altogether there are about 200 men on the field, 85 of them working on the “Big Flat”.
1. A waterhole about 5 miles out from the 20-mile workings 2. The water supply in uncertain and efforts are being made to secure a permanent supply. The picture shows a bore being put down for the purpose 3. A near-by view of the workings on the Big-Flat. The panorama shown in the next view was taken from the hill in the background 4. A general panorama of the Big Flat 5. Scene of the first discovery of the field in 1915. The white patch on the skyline to the left marks the spot. 6. A miner opening a new hole in search of opal 7. The police camp and “lock-up”. The tents form the office and living quarters – from this office Miner’s Rights are issued.
From – Photographic Section
State Library of SA