HS 00106


Article  "Farewell to Con" CPT September 1988 p37 Tells of the life of Con Stingas, in Greece during WW II and of his life in Australia, coming to Coober Pedy in the 1960's. Stingas Road on the Flat is named after him. Actual name according to cemetery records is Konstantine Stiggas Greek spelling of his name Tsigas. He had the nickname "Spy" due to his undercover activities for the British during the war.

HS 001062024-08-02T18:55:49+09:30

HS 00105


Coober Pedy residents 1934 - 1970 (alternate years) Listed in the SandsMcDougall SA Directory HS 00105

HS 001052023-07-12T15:07:59+09:30

HS 00104


Article on John Joseph "Jack" Kean  & the plaque dedication at the Kean Reserve - CPT 18-7-1990 Mentions Mayor John Thrower and Department of Lands Surveyor Jack Kean

HS 001042023-02-10T20:34:34+10:30

2010 0009


Main Office of Opal Inn Hotel/Motel on Hutchison Street in 2010 Coro Family sold both Opal Inn and Desert Cave to Black Rhino Group in 2021-22

2010 00092023-01-16T22:18:48+10:30

2010 0008


Business block opposite Opal Inn on Hutchison Street in 2010 Included office for Tom's Working Mine owned by Noel & Helen Tippett, Car Wash, Bus Depot and Real Estate Office

2010 00082023-01-16T22:17:30+10:30

2010 0007


Town Hall in 2010. No longer in use. It was moved from Maralinga to Coober Pedy in 1976 and opened in February 1977

2010 00072023-01-16T22:16:17+10:30

2010 0006


2010 view of Laundromat, Coober Pedy Central bus station , Coober Pedy Real Estate  and Car Wash. Situated opposite Opal Inn Hotel/Motel on Hutchison Street

2010 00062023-01-16T11:42:35+10:30

2010 0005


Lot 4 Hutchison Street in 2010 - destroyed by fire in July 2012 Businesses included Desert Grill formerly Traces, Opal Down Under, Coffee Club (upstairs), Cafe formerly Breakaways Cafe, Mandy's Hair Design formerly Charlie the Butcher and Dentist surgery, Opal Gallery, Opal City Chinese Restaurant, Northern Regional Development Board formerly Multiculural Forum Office and Westpac

2010 00052024-04-09T15:13:40+09:30

HS 00103


SA Government Gazette entry on June 27 1968 Section 445, north out of hundreds, out of counties, dedicated to Waterworks Reserve at Coober Pedy

HS 001032022-09-22T21:00:57+09:30

HS 00102


SA Government Gazette entry on September 5 1963 I. Revocation of 5/2/1959 gazetted Reserve for Aborigines 2. Declaration of Reserve for Aborigines in the Schedule Section 8, north out of hundreds, out of counties

HS 001022022-09-22T20:54:44+09:30
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