1919 0007


L Keith Ward L Keith Ward was the chief geologist at the time opal was discovered in 1915. He travelled to the field in October 1916 to inspect the conditions. In 1917, as Director of Mines, he organised for a drilling party to drill for water. He said, "The discovery of precious opal at Stuart Range is probably the most important mineral discovery that has been made in South Australia for many years."

1919 00072022-02-07T11:49:43+10:30

GI 20007


Notes on the Stuart range Opal Field by Government Geologist L Keith Ward, following a visit to the field in 1916 GI 20007

GI 200072022-02-07T10:43:21+10:30

BK 00104


'Nursing in the Desert Oodnadatta, Australia 1919' by Heatherann Bullen ISBN: 978-0-6485384-0-0 Tells of the Influenza Pandemic in Oodnadatta in 1919 and the role played by her grandparents, Rev. Coledge Harland and AIM Sister Jean Williamson. Mentions Fred Ah Chee, Alex Aboriginal assistant), Rev Amour, George Anderson, Annie, Lotto Betts, Tom Brady, Joe Braedon, Charlie Brown, Joe Brown, Edward Chong (Ned), Minnie Chong (Ah Chee),Tom Cleary, Miriam Dadleh, Reg Dodd, Tommy O'Donoghue, Ralph Drummond, Jean Finlayson, Charles Fleming, John Flynn, Harry Gepp, Dick Gillen, Bertram Hadaway, Alfred Harland, Cecelia Harland, Bully Harvey, Mary-Ann Harvey, Norman Jones, Leo Kelly, Sister Kelly, Ernie [...]

BK 001042021-11-19T11:09:50+10:30

1917 0029


"Camel Well" - photo taken in 1983 Thought to be the original "Jungle Well" which was the first well sunk by the O'Neill Brothers in 1917. The Mines Dept arranged for the O'Neills to sink a well in search of water on the headwaters of Oogelima Creek and on the northeastern front of the Stuart Range, in a 10 acre area, to be reserved for the travelling public - information in a letter written by Keith Ward 1/2/1917. See file DM 00005 15 of 79. Location shown on map - see file DM 00005 17of79 O'Neills sank well to 78 foot [...]

1917 00292020-12-03T21:25:24+10:30

1917 0028


"Camel Well" - photo taken in 1983 Thought to be the original "Jungle Well" which was the first well sunk by the O'Neill Brothers in 1917. The Mines Dept arranged for the O'Neills to sink a well in search of water on the headwaters of Oogelima Creek and on the northeastern front of the Stuart Range, in a 10 acre area, to be reserved for the travelling public - information in a letter written by Keith Ward 1/2/1917. See file DM 00005 15 of 79. Location shown on map - see file DM 00005 17of79 O'Neills sank well to 78 foot [...]

1917 00282020-12-03T21:24:29+10:30

BK 00095


Will the Wonderkid by Stephanie Owen Reeder is a fictionalised retelling of the story of Will Hutchison and the discovery of opal.

BK 000952020-04-08T06:02:00+09:30

BI 00008 9


Charles Bryant Australian Imperial Forces enlistment 27/4/16

BI 00008 92019-11-04T03:35:57+10:30

BI 00038 6


BI 00038 6 Coward Springs The Cheyne Family were the publicans of the Coward Springs Hotel  

BI 00038 62019-09-27T07:58:35+09:30

1916 0021


Opal in SA museum from O'Neill Brothers claim in 1916 Their opal was purchased at the request of L. Keith Ward of the Mines Department for the State Collection. Later on the opals were sent to the SA Museum. Photos of these opals were made by David Cowen in 2008.

1916 00212020-01-12T06:18:59+10:30

MI 00073


Black Alf Simmond's Miner's rights 1916 and 1919

MI 000732018-09-22T05:46:14+09:30
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